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Dieter Peirs

Blog with and 11ty

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This website has been recently rebuilt with 11ty. I quite like having a simple setup without a CMS for my personal site. It’s flexible and easy to experiment with I did however want a simple way to write and manage articles. The ideal time to run a little experiment with

What does do?

It’s a content platform similar to a content management system (Wordpress, CraftCMS, …) but without a front-end attached. You simply define your content structure which you can then access from whatever system you want. It’s really lightweight and quick to set up.

Setting up Sanity Studio

I created a free account that will cover creating a personal blog. I’m not going to describe the process of setting up the studio as they do an excellent job with their getting started documentation.


As a starting point I created a simple schema where I opted to use the markdown editor instead of the default richt text editor:

export default {
  name: 'post',
  title: 'Post',
  type: 'document',
  fields: [
      name: 'title',
      title: 'Title',
      type: 'string',
      name: 'slug',
      title: 'Slug',
      type: 'slug',
      options: {
        source: 'title',
        maxLength: 96,
      name: 'publishedAt',
      title: 'Published at',
      type: 'datetime',
      name: 'body',
      title: 'Body',
      type: 'markdown',


Once I got it set up I deployed it with Netlify. It’s nice that they provide the option to self-host the client. The API itself is hosted by Sanity.

Access settings

One important thing to note is that you need to define the access settings to the API under the “CORS Origin” settings in the Sanity dashboard. If you self host you need to give that domain write access.

Getting content into 11ty

There's some setup involved for getting the content from the Sanity API.

  1. Setup the sanity client in 11ty
  2. Collecting the data
  3. Generating the pages in 11ty
  4. Creating an article template
  5. Adding an overview page

Setting up the sanity client in 11ty

First, you need the sanity client as a dependency

"@sanity/client": "^2.0.0"

Add an .env.development file to store the sanity token for local development. For production you need this .env file on your server or in a Github secret.


Provide a client-config.js file in the root of your project.

module.exports = {
  sanity: {
    projectId: process.env.SANITY_PROJECT_ID,
    dataset: process.env.SANITY_DATASET,
    apiVersion: '2021-08-31',
    useCdn: true

Finally, setup the sanity client in utils/sanityClient.js.

  path: `.env.${process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development'}`

const sanityClient = require("@sanity/client");
const { sanity } = require('../client-config')

module.exports = sanityClient({
  useCdn: !process.env.SANITY_READ_TOKEN, 
  token: process.env.SANITY_READ_TOKEN

Collecting the data

Adding a post.js file in the data folder of your 11ty project allows you to query the Sanity API. Here we get the published date, title, slug and body of a post.

const groq = require('groq')
const client = require('../../utils/sanityClient.js')
const hasToken = !!client.config().token

function generatePost (post) {
  return {,

async function getPosts () {
  // Learn more:
  const filter = groq`*[_type == "post" && defined(slug) && publishedAt < now()]`
  const projection = groq`{
  const order = `| order(publishedAt asc)`
  const query = [filter, projection, order].join(' ')
  const docs = await client.fetch(query).catch(err => console.error(err))
  const preparePosts =
  return preparePosts

module.exports = getPosts

Generating the pages in 11ty

To generate the pages, create a journal.njk (the name of your article collection) file. This will output a collection of articles.

layout: post
section: Journal
permalink: journal/{{ post.slug.current | slugify }}/index.html
pagination: // The pagination generates the pages from the data
  alias: post
  data: posts
  size: 1
  addAllPagesToCollections: true
eleventyComputed: // You need to process this data to use it outside of the page content (ex. in meta data or a RSS feed)
  title: "{{ post.title }}"
  content: "{{ post.body }}"

Creating an article template

Create a layout for your articles. Here I also added a previous/next article navigation at the end of the current article.

layout: base

  <p><a href="/journal/">Journal</a></p>
  <h1>{{ post.title }}</h1>
  {{ post.body | markdownify | safe }}
  <hr />
  <p>Published on <time datetime="{{ post.publishedAt }}">{{ post.publishedAt|readableDate }}</time></p>

  {% set previousPost = collections.journal | getPreviousCollectionItem(page) %}
  {% set nextPost = collections.journal | getNextCollectionItem(page) %}

  {% if nextPost %}
    <a href="{{ nextPost.url }}">{{ }}</a>
  {% elseif previousPost %}
    <a href="{{ previousPost.url }}">{{ }}</a>
  {% endif %}

Adding an overview page

Finally, an overview page gives you an overview of the articles. These are generated from the collection we created.

layout: base
title: Journal
  key: Journal
  data: collections.journal 
  size: 10
  reverse: true
permalink: "journal//index.html"

      <p>Thoughts, experiments and other ramblings.</p>



Finally I wanted to trigger an 11ty build if I publish a post in Sanity. I already had a Github action set up to build and deploy 11ty on push. Sanity provides webhooks so the process is pretty painless.

Add a repository dispatch on the github action

    - main
    types: [deploy] // This is the trigger we will use in the webhook

Write the webhook

You can create a webhook in the “API” section of the Sanity dashboard.

To send this to Github I used the github API.

Final thoughts

I must say I enjoyed using Sanity with 11ty. It was pretty straight forward and the way it allows you to craft the setup to your liking is really nice. There’s still some stuff I have to figure out like using the rich text editor, images and generating category pages but so far I’m happy with the result. I have the benefits of a static site and the ease of a CMS for writing articles.

Further reading

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Hi, nice to meet you!

Ghent, Belgium


Throughout the previous 20 years, my role has revolved around design and front-end development for websites and applications. My focus lies in crafting projects that prioritize sustainability, user-friendliness, and inclusivity.

You can hire me for:

  • Design systems
  • Pattern libraries
  • Prototyping
  • Custom CSS frameworks
  • Accessibility
  • Coaching

Get in touch

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